Category: Uncategorized
Life Is A Meditation
As you meditate, you begin to see that life is a meditation. It is this beautiful unfolding that you can flow with life and experience the peace, love, and joy that is within every present moment. Meditation is about coming to a place of peace within yourself regardless of what…
There’s Nothing To Figure Out
Meditation teaches that you don’t have to get in your head to figure life out. In fact, the more you let go of your need to figure things out, or your need to control life, you begin to have trust and faith that Life, God, the Universe, or whatever you…
Who are you?
A common question I ask people in meditation is, “If you are your thoughts, then what is it that is aware of the thoughts?” You are more than ideas or stories of who you think you are. If you take a deeper look, you will see that what you truly…
Every problem you have comes from the mind
Every single thing that you are struggling with, every single thing that is causing you stress or suffering, all of your judgments, all of your guilt, all of your shame, and all of your blame, are all coming from the mind. The problem is not that you have negative thoughts,…
What Is Meditation Really About?
There is a lot of talk about meditation these days, but what is meditation all about? The very core of meditation is simply sitting and being. What is meant by “being?” It means that you are just observing the breath, at least as far as mindfulness meditation goes, and there…