There’s Nothing To Figure Out

Meditation teaches that you don’t have to get in your head to figure life out. In fact, the more you let go of your need to figure things out, or your need to control life, you begin to have trust and faith that Life, God, the Universe, or whatever you want to call it, is always on your side. You gain trust and faith that life is bringing exactly what you need to awaken to the truth of who you are.

When you realize that your true creative self and your true intelligence are beyond the mind, there is a tremendous freedom that presents itself. It is the freedom of not being in the constant busyness of the mind and trying to solve life’s problems, but instead, being in a deep surrender and trust with life that allows you to flow with everything that presents itself.

One definition of stress is, wanting life to be different than what it is. As soon as you start resisting life, fighting against it, or feeling that you have been wronged in some way, stress and suffering will ensue. But when you release your attachments to life and flow with it, you can be at peace with whatever happens in your life. 

Meditation teaches you to move beyond your head and your limited beliefs that lock you into a false reality. As you disempower the thoughts and begin to realize your core truth, you begin to connect with your true Self, which is always rooted in peace, love, and joy.