Who are you?

A common question I ask people in meditation is, “If you are your thoughts, then what is it that is aware of the thoughts?” You are more than ideas or stories of who you think you are. If you take a deeper look, you will see that what you truly are is the one that is simply watching, observing, just simply being aware of the thoughts. 

As you begin to recognize the very thing that limits you are the thoughts you identify with as the truth, the thoughts and old beliefs begin to more easily fall away. A freshness and freedom of being begins to arise.

To take it a step further, though, your core self is the one that is aware of it all; the thoughts, the breath, the body, the five senses, the beliefs, the experiences, and the feelings. The more you meditate, the more you stay in the awareness of everything outside of yourself, including your mind and body. Then, you are able to flow with life without resistance. 

It is from this place of awareness that you are simply the one which is aware of the movie of life. You are not a character in the movie of life, you are simply the one watching the movie. 

As you connect with the awareness of it all, your thoughts and beliefs lose their power so that you can reconnect with your true Self and be the authentic you.